Cloudy Umbrella

On a rainy day while staring out the bus window at a sea of dull black umbrellas I was inspired to DIY my own. I wanted to create something that would make me smile even on the gloomist of days. After toying with several ideas I settled on clouds. But not just any kind of clouds...GOLDEN clouds. I bought an plain umbrella in a deep forest green and eagerly began this simple yet fun DIY project.


I began by drawing the clouds in Illustrator. Once I was happy with the shape and size, I printed them out and placed them, one by one unto the umbrella.


After a couple hours of sticking on, repositioning and adjusting I was finally satisfied with the placement of the clouds and was ready to move onto the next step.


Now for the fun part - painting! Each cloud was outlined in gold while some received a dusty of tiny dots that added a bit of sparkle to the overall look.


Painting, one sun-kissed cloud at a time.


The complete look


Cloudy with a chance of golden paint.


I cannot wait until the next rainy day to use this!